
RepVue’s B2B Sales Performance Data Now on Exabel

📣 We’re excited to announce that our latest alternative data partner, RepVue, has joined the Exabel platform, bringing their comprehensive B2B Sales Performance data to investment teams. RepVue offers a proprietary dataset featuring insights into sales performance and organizational dynamics, which is now easily accessible through our alternative data platform. 📣

With data collected from over 340,000 verified sales professional ratings and approximately 9 million data points, RepVue provides a clear view of the health and performance of sales organizations. Their insights cover key metrics such as quota attainment, sales cycle length, lead flow, average deal size, and more. The dataset focuses primarily on technology companies in the U.S., and additionally provides global coverage, with an emphasis on enterprise software.

To find out more about RepVue's dataset, please visit Exabel's Data Catalog

Read the full announcement here.