
January 2023 update

Improved table filtering and editing of charts on dashboards; finer control over prediction model inputs; downloading of financial models; Import Jobs SQL query previews; and general all-round polish.

New features

  • Dashboards
    • Allow filtering tables for specific companies or entities. This allows you to very quickly find data for the companies you care about. Previously, tables could only be filtered with tags.
    • Charts may now be added from the Library as either a "reference" (to the Library chart), or as a copy of the chart. This allows you to re-use the same chart on multiple dashboards, and make edits once rather than everywhere the chart is used. This option is presented when adding a chart.
    • Allow editing charts directly from dashboards - simply click on the pencil icon next to each chart. This allows you to quickly tweak multiple charts on the same dashboard without having to navigate to different screens. Note: this requires you to have write access to the dashboard and chart.
  • Prediction models: Allow specifying an entity for each input signal. This will better support use cases that involve predicting company KPIs (e.g. revenue) using alternative data on non-company entities (e.g. web traffic on web domain entities).
  • Financial models: Add support to download financial models to Excel.
  • Import jobs: SQL queries can now be tested with a preview button that executes the query and displays the results. This allows for faster testing of import queries without having to run a job or switch to an external SQL interface.


  • Alerts
    • Improve UX for signal errors and warnings in the alert preview and the alert manager. Also include global evaluation errors - e.g. when your user does not have access to a specific model or tag.
    • Add links to the user guide.
    • Add navigation blocking when a user has unsaved changes when creating an alert.
  • Charts
    • Add 91 day moving average option in quick transforms.
    • New option to control line width and gap size
  • Dashboards
    • Unify row filtering options into a combined selector for companies, entities, tags, and FactSet sectors
    • Improve UI to display and control applied filters and column visibility
    • Show timestamps for when a table was last refreshed and last updated.
  • Prediction models: Enable the panel model setting for entity models with >1 entity. This was previously only enabled for models set up with companies as targets.
  • Library: Always show folder names in search results, to better contextualize each result.
  • Entity picker: Prefix data sets with vendor names for easier navigation across multiple vendor data sets.
  • Data Explorer: Prefix data sets with vendor names.
  • Portfolio strategies: Try to re-balance tracked portfolios on a fixed schedule. Previously, the schedule would be shifted for all future dates if a re-balancing fell on a holiday. Now, if for example tracking with monthly re-balancing is started on the 15th, it will attempt to re-balance on the 15th of all future months.
  • DSL
    • Make currency argument optional in market_cap(). For companies that have multiple securities with prices, it will return the market cap in the currency of the primary security. (Note that the function only considers securities that are ordinary/common shares, preferreds, and preferred equity.)
    • Improve error message when tag(<tag>, <signal>) is given a signal which does not support entities.
    • Improve error message when a signal is given an entity of a type it does not support.
  • Data API: Added an option to search all companies by name, including private companies and subsidiaries. For details, see EntityService - Search entities in the API reference documentation.


  • DSL: Deprecate signal.yoy(), signal.yoy_relative(), signal.qoq(), signal.qoq_relative(), and signal.mom_relative(). Use signal.change() and signal.relative_change() instead. (See deprecation annoucement here.)

Bug fixes

  • Signal Explorer: Fix issue with "Discard" not discarding unsaved signal expression edits.
  • Alerts: Handle scenario in alert feed when user only has data set alert events.
  • Alerts: Handle browser back/forward button interactions in the alert manager/feed.
  • Alerts: Reset to page 1 if the entity universe is changed when previewing an alert.
  • Charts: Fix issue where a new chart was created when changing a time series chart to a pie chart (and vice versa).
  • Charts: Allow showing markers for area charts.
  • Dashboards: Fix issue with the "Save As" action for dashboards with charts.
  • Dashboards: Fix issue with saving dashboards that had a chart with an empty signal group.
  • Drill-downs: Fix missing "Compare" action on non-company drill-downs.