
Patent information and IP data from Quant IP now available

📣 Quant IP’s patent and IP data is now available on Exabel, allowing investment teams to further enhance their investment research.


May 2023 update

This month's product release introduces exciting new features such as dashboards with linked widgets, allowing users to easily view corresponding data for selected companies across multiple widgets. Additionally, a new version of the Data Explorer provides a visual representation of the data model and enhances browsing, filtering, and search capabilities. New DSL functions have also been introduced to make it easier to retrieve, traverse, filter and segment your alternative data.


April 2023 update

New dashboard tables, financial models with configurable frequencies and aggregation, cross-sectional aggregation of signals across multiple companies, and improvements to the DSL and dashboard performance.


March 2023 update

Customizable dashboard layouts, easier aggregation of signals over time, FactSet and Visible Alpha support for quarterly / semi-annual companies, and more control over forecasting functions.


Improved FactSet and Visible Alpha functions

Building upon our new company calendar function, we have improved our DSL functions for FactSet and Visible Alpha to allow smart retrieval of quarterly or semi-annual data, depending on the company.


Deprecated fiscal_calendar()

We have deprecated the fiscal_calendar() DSL function, which has been superseded by the more flexible and robust company_calendar().


February 2023 update

Improved Insights Platform landing pages; dashboards with financial models; improved company calendar and aggregation to fiscal periods; and more.


Improved company calendars and aggregation to fiscal periods

We're excited to announce that we've recently released several major improvements to our signal expression language (DSL) for retrieving company calendars, aggregating alternative data to their fiscal periods, and calculating change including period-to-date change.


January 2023 update

Improved table filtering and editing of charts on dashboards; finer control over prediction model inputs; downloading of financial models; Import Jobs SQL query previews; and general all-round polish.


Deprecated legacy yoy/qoq/mom DSL functions

We have deprecated these legacy DSL functions for calculating change/relative change: yoy(), yoy_relative(), qoq(), qoq_relative(), mom(), mom_relative().