
Relationship types

Every relationship has a relationship type, such as HAS_BRAND, LOCATED_IN or OWNED_BY. The full resource name for a relationship type is relationshipTypes/ns.NAME.

The relationship types provided by Exabel are the following:

Relationship typeResource nameTypical connected entities
has listingrelationshipTypes/HAS_LISTINGregional → listing
has primary regionalrelationshipTypes/HAS_PRIMARY_REGIONALsecurity → regional
has regionalrelationshipTypes/HAS_REGIONALsecurity → regional
has securityrelationshipTypes/HAS_SECURITYcompany → security
located inrelationshipTypes/LOCATED_INcompany → country
has securityrelationshipTypes/HAS_SECURITYcompany → security
web domain owned byrelationshipTypes/WEB_DOMAIN_OWNED_BYcompany → web domain
has primary rbicsrelationshipTypes/HAS_PRIMARY_RBICScompany → rbics
has primary rbics focusrelationshipTypes/HAS_PRIMARY_RBICS_FOCUScompany → rbics
has currencyrelationshipTypes/HAS_CURRENCYcountry → currency

The relationship types provided by Exabel are read-only, meaning that customers cannot add new relationships with those relationship types. Customers are free to create new relationship types in their own namespace, using the API.

Some relationship types are marked as being an ownership. Relations of those types are aggregation paths in a data set, and they go from the owner to the sub entity.

The collection id for relationship types is relationshipTypes.


A relationship is a directed connection between two entities with a relationship type, that is, it is a connection from one entity to another entity. There can only be a single relationship of the same type and in the same direction between any two entities.

Typically a relationship only makes sense for specific entity types: For example, the relationship HAS_LISTING requires the from entity to be a company and the to entity to be a listing. However, this restriction is not enforced.

Exabel maintains a large number relationships between entities in the global namespace. These relationships all have one of the relationship types in the global namespace.

Customers can create new relationships between any entities they have access to.

The collection id for relationships is relationships.

-RelationshipService REST reference documentation
-RelationshipService gRPC reference documentation